This weekend was a BLAST! I highly recommend participating in the Warrior Dash. I cannot believe how much fun I had…
Our weekend started on Friday. As soon as I got off work, I rushed home to finish packing for our road trip to Austin. We were on the road a little later than we anticipated so we skipped dinner. I snacked on a handful of Quaker Mini Rice Cakes and the hubby grabbed a protein bar along the way. When we got there, we immediately picked up dinner. There is a bar-b-que place right down the street from my friends house so we went to pick up some Pok-e-Jo’s Bar-b-Que… I had a 2 meat plate with brisket and pork ribs with 2 sides: Jalapeno Corn Bread Casserole and Mac n cheese. This was delicious!
Saturday morning the hubby made some breakfast potatoes (from P90X recipe), scrambled eggs and bacon. Then, our friends busted out some salsa and flour tortillas, so we had breakfast tacos. I also had my daily Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte and we hit the road. This ‘fuel’ was probably not the best choice before our run…
We signed up for the 12:30 time slot but got stuck in crazy traffic. It took us an hour to go 2.5 miles. CRAZY!!

Anyway, when we arrived we had to rush to make it to the 1 PM start time. We didn’t have time to stretch or warm up really. We just started with the crowd. It was off to a slow start and finally we had time to spread out and jog a little. Shortly after beginning to jog, my calves started to tighten up and then I got a side stitch. It was horrible! I am pretty sure the lack of training in my new shoes was part of the problem…
I must say these shoes were AWESOME though. We had to run through a muddy river and they didn’t weigh me down like normal tennis shoes would have. I was really happy with them (aside from my calves and ankles being sore for the next 3 days).
If you've never heard of the Warrior Dash, it is a 5K with a crazy amount of obstacles, and costumes are encouraged. We had to run up and down crazy hills, jump over walls like hurdles, climb over cargo nets, run through a river, navigate through strings woven through trees, walk over planks, all kinds of things. It was such an awesome experience. I can't wait to do it again. The end was army crawling through mud under barbed wire before getting up to go through the finish line. Afterwards, we drank free beer, ate bratwursts (would have been turkey legs but they were out) and hung out with friends... I LOVED IT!
I will leave you with a muddy pic of an edited, costumed me: